
Five Places to Find Great Math Tasks

Five Places to find great math tasks

I’m a big user of math tasks in my classroom. They’re engaging, a way for my students to truly show their math thinking in different ways, encourage collaboration and learning from one another, and help my students strengthen their communication skills.

In a perfect world, all math tasks are low floor, high ceiling tasks – offer an entry point for all learners, regardless of their math ability, and challenge all learners!

Over the years I’ve found some great websites that offer tasks that do just that (or can be tweaked a little to make that happen)! Here are some of my go-to websites for finding engaging, creative, and rigorous tasks to use in the classroom:

My number one go-to for standards-based tasks. I know these tasks will truly show me how well my students are mastering the standard!

This website not only offers standards-based tasks based on grade levels but also provides a ton of insight on math learning and problem solving! Nothing fancy but definitely very useful! I often use these tasks as end-of-unit assessments!

These tasks are short and sweet, but super engaging and challenging for students! Love them for days where I want to do a shorter task that will still offer a powerful punch!

Love the creativity of these math tasks! They’re super challenging and students love them!

One of the BEST math websites in my opinion. 1) it offers some amazing tasks 2)it provides tons of resources for teachers to truly help students build their mathematical mindsets and identity!

Okay, that’s all for now! Tune in every Monday for more math tips! Happy teaching!

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